Tamil Superstar Vijay received a decent response for his recent movies and hence the actor's latest offering Bigil was sold for a record price across AP and Telangana. The film released as Whistle in AP and Telangana and it received a decent response from the audience. The film opened with a bang and managed to recover the investments in two weeks. Whistle theatrical rights are sold for Rs 10 crores.
Whistle collected a theatrical share of Rs 10.91 crores in AP and Telangana in its final run. Nayanthara is the female lead and AR Rahman composed the music. Vijay's flawless performance along with the sports episodes and the emotional drama received wide appreciation from the audience. Atlee is the director and AGS Entertainments bankrolled the movie. Whistle is the highest grosser in Telugu and the film raked over Rs 200 crores worldwide in all the languages. Here are the closing numbers of Whistle:
Nizam: Rs 3.27 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 2.8 Cr
Vizag: Rs 1.35 Cr
East: Rs 0.69 Cr
West: Rs 0.58 Cr
Guntur: Rs 0.95 Cr
Krishna: Rs 0.76 Cr
Nellore: Rs 0.51 Cr
AP and Telangana: Rs 10.91 Cr