Hero Ram who is working on the completion of his 'Ongolu Gitta' in 'Bommarillu Bhaskar's directorial, that is scheduled for a release in one or two months, would start off with his 'Kandireega-2' in Santosh Srinivas’s directorial, after 'Ongolu Gitta'... now, this is a old news... according to the latest update, Ram is no more a part of 'Kandireega-2'...
N.T.R has replaced Ram in this film, as per some close sources... well; this is an overnight decision of the team...
Ram has attained a much required success with 'Kandireega' and would wanted to work in the sequel as well... but, not to forget, the issue between Ram and the producer of the film, Bellamkonda Suresh, regarding some payment issues, after the release and success of this flick… this could be the major reason for Ram being not considered as a hero for the sequel...
Well, it is not just heroines, but even heroes would get replaced overnight in our films...