Earlier, it was announced that B – Town director Vishal Bharadwaj, who has become a most wanted director, after the ‘Dhamaakedaar’, success of his flick, ‘3 Idiots’, the sources said that the director is teaming up with Sharukh Khan for the next project. The story would be based on another Novel of Chetan Bhagat, based on whose Novel, ‘3 Idiots’, was made. This story starring Shak Rukh, Directed by Vishal is based on Chetan’s Novel, ‘Two States’ and the story revolves around a Punjabi Girl getting married to a Tamil Boy.
But, the Buzz is, this project has been kept on hold, and the director is making a film with Ajay Devgan and Anushka Sharma. This film is supposed to be an out and out comedy flick. Responding to starring Anushka Sharma, Vishal said, ‘Anushka is one of the finest actresses we have in B – Town. The Actress, though is two films old, has showcased her acting talent, right in her first film itself.’
Responding to keeping his project with Shah Rukh on hold, the director replied, ‘Shah Rukh was very much impressed with the story line and wanted to give his full time in making the film. This would only happen once he completes his current assignments. I am waiting for that’.