Why? Here are the common reasons why some men and women choose to stay single:
1. Family or parental obligation
Some cannot marry because they feel the need to attend to either one or both sick parent/sibling. Others allocate their time and money to support the education of their younger sibling/s. This involves a certain degree of commitment and some choose to prioritize their family and set aside their personal life.
2. Trauma from Physical/Sexual Abuse
A person who has been a victim of child molestation, rape or abuse would tend to fear physical intimacy.
3. Trauma from Broken Relationships
Some kissed dating goodbye after a painful break up/separation. Others choose to be alone rather than be in a relationship full of insecurities.
4. Financial Instability
It's quite expensive to get married these days, moreover to raise a family. So others choose not to enter into relationship and be frustrated from not being able to fully support so. Also, it would be too selfish to drag your loved one to poverty.
5. Self-contentment or Gratification from Family, Friends & Career
Sometimes when you're already happy with the people around you and/or satisfied with one's career, you no longer seek for romantic affiliation. For what has been lacking was filled by other forms of love. Further, you enjoy freedom & independence more than anyone else.
There's really nothing wrong with preferring to be single/unattached, although it has drawbacks too like you'll grow old alone.