‘Each day, we talk about development, growth, individuality and independence. World is changing. In many scenarios for better and in some may be for worst. We are anyways not going to analyze Good or Bad, as it always based on our own perception.’
This change is bringing a lot of a change in us too. We are no more dependent on our family/partner, both emotionally and financially, we do not think much to call it quits when things are going out of the way in even in our committed relationship, and we do not give a damn to what others talk about us. At the end of the day, it is our peace and self-respect that matters to us.
With every meaning and identity of every relationship changing from time to time, what remains unchanged? It is the precious gift of nature to us, ‘Mother Hood’.
No matter how career oriented we are, how practical we think, take quick decisions in terms of putting an end to a committed relationship and giving a new beginning to our life, we can’t forgo one precious responsibility for life time and that is our Child. Well, there are exceptions in this scenario as well. But, let me take the majority’s side.
In fact, because of Children and their future to be good, many Women tend to compromise and live with a bad marriage, but this has a limit isn’t it? what if the misunderstandings, communication gap irresponsibility of your partner towards raising the kids and taking care of the family, you facing Domestic Violence and many other issues that cannot be discussed out of your bedroom and house, that has become a question to your self-respect? There is no other go to end your relationship, before it becomes worst. So, you have to take care of your Child, work and handle the Society’s perception towards you, being a single Mother.
You have decided to live with it, so you will. But, let us handle this situation in a better way, that would make a ‘Single Parenting’, if not a Bliss, atleast a peace;
• Think twice before taking this decision. Question yourself, ‘is it because you’re perception that your partner does not understand you and being irresponsible, or it is a reality? It is because you both can’t gel well in certain things or he has made no effort at all to understand you? Did you work your 100% to make your marriage work? Is there any other person whom you’re finding interesting and this is a reason for keeping you’re married life aside? Or it is just that life has become routine and you are looking for a ‘Change ’? Once you get you answers and still stick on to the decision of calling it quits, then it is your call.
• ‘It is very difficult to prove yourself correct, but easy to make a mistake’. So, be careful. As you are aware there would be 100 others to take an advantage of you. Even if you find a person sensible and planning to start a life with him, think twice. B’cos it is not just you now, you have a kid, whom you have to make a good human being.
• Never ever let your Child know the ‘darker’ side of your partner (if any). Keep your anger and dislike about your partner to yourself. For your kid, he is the father, so be matured enough to let not your Child know the ‘facts’. Your Child should be able to accept you both not being together, take it positive and inculcate a healthy attitude and answer n number of others who ask him/her, ‘Why your parents are not together’.
SunayanaVinay Kumar