In preparation for our 2 week summer detox program, I thought I would describe to you how to do circular deep breathing exercises. You should do 20 full circles of breathing, twice daily. This will assist with both stress reduction as well as helping with lung detoxification.
1. Inhale deeply and slowly until your lungs are full
2. Hold your breath for a count of 5
3. Exhale steadily and at the same rate as the slow inhale until as much air as possible is out of your lungs.
4. Hold your breath for a count of 5
5. Inhale deeply and slowly again, repeat for a count of 20 full circles.
A word of advice. Many people breathe very shallowly without knowing it. Holding your breath without fully expanding your lungs will not benefit you as much as consciously taking in full, deep breaths and then fully exhaling. This is to be a conscious process so take the few minutes it takes to do the breath circles. Full oxygenation of your body helps with focus, memory, brain function and energy as well as helping you detoxify and decrease stress. Enjoy
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