As the elections are hot on heels in Uttar Pradesh with the first phase of polling to be on today, parties are going to the parts were the second phase are scheduled. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Nitin Gadkari was to address a rally at the Mohamadabad constituency, in Ghaziapur district. The BJP stalwart just managed to escape unhurt as he was above to address the rally. Sources said that the dais on which the leader was sitting collapsed. But the leader was safe and later went on to address the meeting, on Tuesday.
Meanwhile prominent Samajwadi candidate, Actor turned politician Jayaprada too had a slip, and escaped unhurt, on Tuesday. The actor was to address a gathering in Kushinagar, slipped while climbing the dais. She later rose, smiled, and proceeded towards the dais to address the meeting.
First phase of polling in UP is conducted for 55 seats spread over 10 districts -- Sitapur, Barabanki, Faizabad, Ambedkar Nagar, Bahraich, Shravasti, Balrampur, Gonda, Siddharth Nagar and Basti. More than 1.70 lakh electorates - 952.87 lakh male and 70.44 lakh female - are expected to seal the fate of 862 candidates. The candidates include 796 men, 65 women and one eunuch.
(With inputs from internet: AarKay)