The Lok Sabha was adjourned twice today after the opposition parties created ruckus in the house demanding the resignation of Chidambaram as the union home minister.
It is known that leader Janata Dal leader Subramanian Swamy has written to the prime minister on Thursday asking him to remove Chidambaram from his cabinet alleging that Chidambaram’s son Karti was benefitted by the government.
In the wake of these allegations, the opposition parties created an uproar in the Lok Sabha. The BJP leader Yashwant Sinha has said that Chidambaram involved in a massive corruption and he should be dismissed as the home minister immediately. AIADMK and JD(U) leaders raised slogans even after the house resumed.
Even BJP members joined the protest and demanded the home minster to step down or the government should sack him. The home minister, Chidambaram was, however, not present in the house today.
With Subramanian Swamy leveling allegations yesterday and union minister absence in the house the very next day is giving rise to many suspicions. (Phani)