Air India is all set to resume its international operations by recruting the pilots. The recruitments are already underway and Air India has announced that its first international flight service would be toTokyo after a long gap due to the strike. Air India managements said it can't sit mum due to the strike. The bookings to Hong Kong are on and the first flight to Hong Kong would be on July 7, said Air India officials.
It may be noted that Air India pilots have been striking for the past couple of months and in Delhi over 400 pilots have even sat for hunger protest pitching their voice in support of several demands including reinstating the sacked pilots besides recognizing the recognized Indian Pilots Guild (IPG). Notably, the hunger strike entered its third day today.
Be it any strike or any step taken to press government, the ultimate sufferers would be the public at large. The same is the case with the ongoing pilots strike. Several people who had to shuttle between foreign countries and India had to face disappointment due to the strike. God alone knows when strikes in India would come to an end!
AW Phani