The advance usage of internet has given the best results and transformed the ordinary individual into a knowledgeable person. By the stroke of a key one wanders in the info highway of endless stretch connecting you and me. A recent survey quoted in the Daily mail stated that a quarter of the surfers stayed more at net than on their beds, which inturn just means more work and less rest. Well the details have been given for the reader to assess and decide what is right and what is wrong and make necessary amendments and adjustments to one’s habits for a better tomorrow. Because all work and no rest, makes anyone a dull person.
According to the survey commissioned by Sky Broadband, 51 percent admit to suffering from "e-anxiety" if they are unable to check their emails or Facebook page. The survey also found that men spend a larger chunk of their time online. More than one in four splurge six hours or more a day online as compared to one in five women. While one in three check their personal emails more than six times a day outside of work, one in 20 check their emails more than 20 times every day, which is the equivalent of once every 45 minutes, and one in seven check their social media accounts more than six times a day.