Even before the release of Mohan Babu's production, his Son Vishnu starrer 'Denikaina Ready', the movie was in news for attaining a U/A certificate first, the film maker opposing this, fighting against this, filing a case against the censor board member and after all the hungama the movie being released with U certification.
That's not all... the actual trouble being faced by the movie started just after couple of days, post the release of this film... 'as a part of the story' (said by the film makers) and to entertain the audience with the comedy, the director has chosen to make some satirical sequences on Brahmin community in this flick... that has become more than over, in some sequences, according to that particular community and the members have not left any way to protest against this...
After all the hungama happened recently at Mohan Babu's house of these community members protesting against the film and being thrashed by the film makers guards, now these people have filed a case saying whatever earnings the movie has attained till date, is because of highlighting 'them', so all those earnings are to be given to them...
Wait and see what the Angry film maker has to do against this...
For Denikaina Ready Photos Click here.