"Homeopathy medicine + patience = a smiling face"
Choice is left to us now, what to choose?
By saying which I mean that ..."It's not just about having homeopathy medicine but also having it from the right person".
There is a prevalent fact that many of us don't have that trust factor when it comes to Homeopathy medicine. In fact, we sometimes speak out showing frustration on our face that it's a time taking process! As if the world is not going to exist from the next moment. It's nothing but lack of awareness or may be lack of realization of one's impatience which is furthermore a serious disease.
Homeopathy is a medical area which needs no surgery but only patience for it to cure us completely from the very root of the disease. Treatment happens through Liquid/Powder/Pills with self composed formulations. If we can promise ourselves of maintaining patience then perhaps we might not have to think any more but have the medicine as per the instructions given by the Doctor and lead a happy healthy life.
Homeopathy can cure minor problems like fever, cold and hair loss to chronic problems like Arthritis, Cancer and sodias even Spondilitis, Backache, Allergies, Migraine, Eye problems.
There is also another prevalent fact about Homeopathy that it only has effect on us but no side effects if taken with perfect expertise combination, which means it's not only important to have Homeopathy medicine but also having it from the right person is equally vital. The proper combination from the right expert can be like a magic. It gets over before we realize! There are certain instructions which are generally given by the Doctors while we have Homeopathy. Some of them are like garlic, onion and other equally powerfully flavored items should be avoided or taken only after being boiled. Moreover, there should be some time gap maintained between the intake of the medicine and the food items.
If we can maintain the above mentioned points then we can undoubtedly be sure to get treated completely from Homeopathy medicine from the root of the disease, forever!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)