Mr Pocharam Srinivasa reddy, Banswada TDP MLA from the Nizamabad district, who has been keeping away from the TDP activities and moving in the TRS circles for the past few days after differing with the leadership on its stance on the Telangana issue, met Deputy Speaker Nadendla Manohar this morning in Hyderabad and informed him of his decision to quit assembly.
His meeting with Manohar followed his discussions with the TRS chief K. Chandrasekhara rao Friday evening but it is not yet clear if he has submitted his resignation letter to the Deputy Speaker when he met him today.
Srinivasa reddy has already announced his decision to quit TDP and the assembly some days ago charging the party chief Chandrababu Naidu with playing opportunistic politics and dillydallying on the issue of Telangana.
He is supposed to send his resignation letter to the TDP headquarters shortly. Meanwhile, TDP said in a statement that there is no loss to the party if Srinivasa reddy quits the party.