As many as 64 tourists from Andhra Pradesh-who were taken for a ride by a private tour operator and got stranded in Egypt-have reached Hyderabad on Thursday morning. The tourists, who reached Delhi from Egypt with the help of the minister Parthasarathy, stayed at the residence of union minister Jaipal Reddy and arrived in Hyderabad this morning through Dakshin Express. Notably, a special coach was attached to Dakshin Express, to carry the tourists from Delhi to Hyderabad. Also, they were provided free food. All these people belonged to Krishna, Kurnool, Nellore, Warangal and Nalgonda districts.
The victims have said that minister Parthasarathy had spent around four lakh rupees to bring the victims from Egypt to India. According to the reports, 64 tourists paid large amount of money for a pilgrimage. The tour operator, who reportedly, promised that the tourists would be taken care was apparently not found after they boarded the flight. The victims’ passports were taken off and they were asked to pay at least two dollars for getting water. Some even complained that they drank impure water in washrooms since they had no money left with them. After somehow getting in touch with the minister, they were brought back.
The victims have demanded that they be provided justice by punishing the culprits and handing over the amount they shelled out to the tour operator. (Phani)