The government whip Anil has said that CPI leader Narayana lost his mental stability. He made these comments in the wake of Narayana criticizing Congress leaders for quite sometime. Further, he said CPI became a cartoon party. Further, he advised Narayana to keep his mouth under control. He even said in case Narayana cannot control his language, the latter needs to get admitted to a mental hospital. Taking on TDP's agitations against the electricity issues, Anil has said that TDP was staging dramas. To make a point, Anil reminded that Chandrababu Naidu allegedly became responsible for the death of three persons (who were shot dead in police firing) during an agitation over power cuts when Babu was the chief minister. He even said that TDP leaders should decide as to how many times Chandrababu Naidu should be hanged to death.
The TDP is yet to make any comments or respond on this issue. The political analysts said TDP was trying its best for making maximum use of power crisis in the state for corning Congress and coming into power in 2014. Will Congress play dice this time to put a check to TDP?
(AW Phani)