Telugu Desam Party (TDP) President N Chandra Babu Naidu was arrested today by the L B Nagar Police while he was protesting for 100 percent fee reimbursement of Backward Community (BC) students. TDP was on a protest for fee reimbursement to BC students pursuing their professional courses, in contrast to the government’s decision. The cadre with many leaders of the party were protesting at the LB Nagar junction.
Speaking on the occasion the TDP supremo said that the government had no sincerity in nits approach over the fee reimbursements which had been delayed since sometime. He said while the BC students were keen on studying the ruling government was not keen on encouraging them.
After the initial dialect the TDP leaders staged a sit in protest on the busy L B Nagar Junction making it impossible for entry or exit from Hyderabad. And concurrently the Vijayawada-Hyderabad highway was totally in a chaotic situation. Immediately the Vanasthalipuram Police requested the leader to refrain from the sit-in protest. The leader refused which resulted in disruption of vehicular movement on the national highway. Immediately many of them including the party supremo were arrested and removed to Vanasthalipuram Police station. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)