Rapthadu MLA Paritala Sunitha, who handed over a complaint to the speaker Nadendla Manohar against the approach of Anantapur district police, has today held a press conference. Paritala Sunitha has expressed her anguish and alleged that her family had been harassed due to police checking. To make a point she said police resorted to checking even a week before Paritala Ravindra's murder (the then MLA).
Refuting the allegations by the police on her son Paritala Sri Ram, Paritala Sunitha has alleged that the police and a few Congress leaders were trying to frame her son. She said it was not fair to frame charges this way on students. Paritala Sri Ram is the only son of Paritala Ravindra (a late TDP MLA who was said to have played key role in the state politics). After his brutal assassination, Paritala family almost went into hibernation although Paritala Sunitha became an MLA.
With the assassination of Paritala Ravindra and Maddalacheruvu Suri, people in the state have reportedly thought that Raktha Charithra (movie based on these two rivals) in the state came to an end and now with Sri Ram coming into the scene, tension has apparently started among people. Whether Sri Ram is an innocent or not, people in the state definitely doesn't want to see another tale of blood and gore.
(AW Phani)