The oppositions Telugu Desam Party and the YSR Congress are only targeting the ruling 'chair' and hence launching a slanderous campaign against the ruling Congress. This was the statement made by the Chief Whip Gandra Venkata Ramana Reddy. He also said that Congress was ready to face the no-confidence motion and would succeed in showing the numbers on the floor.
The Congress leader was very skeptical over the refutes made by the oppositions and said that to hog public limelight, the oppositions are launching on these false allegations. He added that the former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu had neglected the farmer in his nine year rule and hence had no rights to talk about them.
Throughout the history it was Congress that took care of all sections of the society evenly and Farmers enjoyed the most. He also threw a poser at the TDP supremo that the party is ready to debate over the issue, if the oppositions desired so.
Joining his colleague Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, they claimed that Congress had the required numbers to stand alone and is confident of success without any alliance as speculated. (Wishesh AarKay)