Telugu Desam Party [TDP] slammed Telangana Rashtra Samithi [TRS] party for their attack on Nara Lokesh yesterday in Mahboobnagar district. Telangana TDP election committee chairman L Ramana demanded the police to arrest the culprits behind this incident.
“TRS Party knew there are not going to win the elections and so are degrading themselves by attacking our leaders. We demanded an unconditional apology from the TRS party, if not people will teach them a lesson in the upcoming elections,” said Ramana.
Cycle is common man's symbol
Nara Lokesh has been aggressively campaigning for TDP in Telangana region. Yesterday, Lokesh attend a rally in Alampur in Mahbiibnagar. Addressing the public, Lokesh said, “Cycle is common man's symbol whereas Car [TRS party symbol] is meant for rich and wealthy people. KCR went back on his words on making a Dalit as CM of Telangana and he did nothing for this region.”
(AW: Vamshi)