During the nine year Telugu Desam Party rule, then CM of united Andhra Pradesh, Chandrababu Naidu visited several countries to attract investors and he succeeded in bringing foreign investments to the state. Well, Chandrababu is sketching the same strategy for the new AP, now and is planning for abroad tours shortly. According to the sources, Chandrababu will visit Malaysia, Singapore, China, Korea and Japan countries to ensure the state gets sufficient investments.
AP CM will start his foreign tour to Malaysia and Singapore firstly. Construction of new capital and ports along the coastal line is the aim of this tour. Already Singapore has agreed to build a full-fledged port in Kakinada while Malaysia will look after the new AP capital. This tour is scheduled in November first week and the second tour, Chandrababu will fly to Japan and South Korea. These countries are quite famous for automobile industry and AP CM will be meeting investors and stakeholders of several automobile companies in this tour.
Lastly Chandrababu will visit China which is known for hardware manufacturing. On several occasions, AP CM has promised to build a hardware hub in the state and accordingly, Chandrababu will meet hardware industry investors. Also in all the foreign tours, Chandrababu will specially meet NRIs and sought their contribution for the development of new AP state.
TDP sources say, these foreign tours are vital for the development of Andhra Pradesh state and it could also bring down the burden of the budget deficit.
(AW: Vamshi)