The Planning Council vice chairman Kutumba Rao said Hudhud cyclone has caused Rs 60,000 crores damage and the entire Visakhapatnam city should be re-developed from the ground level. Kutumba Rao visited Vizag yesterday and scrutinised few places where the destruction was more and added that the union government should announce this as a 'National Calamity.' Mr. Rao also opined that the expected property loss could increase eventually and cited the example of Katrina cyclone that hit US.
“Generally, cyclone affect agriculture more but for the first time in Indian history, a city got washed away and Visakhapatnam needs special interest now. About 30 to 40 thousand electric poles were damaged and to restore them, it would cost around Rs 7,000 per pole. Hudhud cyclone is kind of a lesson for us and hereafter, constructions in Vizag should take place with proper planning so that in near future, they should be able to bear any sort of weather conditions,” said Kutumba Rao.
Mr Rao also said there is no need to panic for now and government is taking all measure to ensure, everything is restored as early as possible. The loss should be estimated in new way as every corner of the Vizag is hit by Hudhud and all the measures, temporary and permanent should be included in the total loss. This could mount the expenditure required to restore the city.
(AW: Vamshi)