As known, All India Institute of Medical Sciences released the results on Thursday morning. Hyderabad boy Ansh Gupta has secured the 3rd rank in the prestigious MBBS entrance exam.
Out of the top 50 ranks of the AIIMS entrance exam, nine students being from the Telugu states, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, is an obvious proud news to share. Across India, about 672 seats available in different AIIMS institutions. However, Delhi is the most preferred centre by the students. In fact, last year, P. Sri Divya had topped the AIIMS entrance, whose native is Visakhapatnam.
Gupta, a student of Sri Chaitanya Narayana institutions in Narayanaguda, bagged the 9th rank in TS Eamcet, 6th rank in AP Eamcet, 20th rank in the JIPMER entrance and 11th in the Manipal MBBS entrance test. His father, being an ENT surgeon, is an added advantage for fueling up his inspiration. In that sense, not only his father, but most of his family are the doctors in various specializations.
“I was confused till Wednesday, but I think today it is pretty clear. I will join AIIMS. I will comfortably get a seat of my choice,” Gupta answered, when he was asked about his choice of institution for taking up his higher studies.
By Phani