JNU issue has gone viral in the Lok Sabha proceedings yesterday, after the human resources development minister Smriti Irani said that, Student Union chief Kanhaiya Kumar and other students were found indulging in anti-national activities by the varsity authorities themselves.
On the other side, while the oppositions tried to corner the Centre in HCU student Rohith Vemula suicide issue, HRD minister slammed all such allegations questioning that, when Rohith himself wrote in his suicide note that no one is responsible for his death, how can her ministry takes the responsibility?
On the other side, Union home minister Rajnath Singh assured the Lok Sabha that no innocent student would be harassed.
Speaking further about JNU row and Rohith Vemula suicide issues, Rajnath Singh said, “The issue of the sedition charge slapped on some students should be left to the courts to decide. The home minister also told the House that those found guilty of attacks on the media in the Patiala House courts would not be spared”.
The house was on heat after Congress chief whip Jyotiraditya Scindia took the issue of Rohith suicide issue alleging “undue interference” by Smriti Irani and labour minister Bandaru Dattatreya in Vemula’s case.
Scindia said, “Bandaru Dattatreya in his letter had called Rohith a castiest and an anti-national.” He also raised the issue of FTII, IIT Madras and JNU.
Not stopping there, Scindia even attacked external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj, tribal affairs minister Jual Oram, along with Smrithi Irani for emphasizing that Vemula was not a Dalit.
By Phani Ch