While Telangana state has been celebrating the state formation day today (June 2nd), Andhra Pradesh state has many different things to do. They planned a Nava Nrimaana Deeksha that took place today in Vijayawada. The event took place at Benz circle and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandra Babu Naidu graced the occasion. Along with him Assembly speaker Kodela Siva Prasad Rao, ministers Devineni Uma Maheswara Rao, Kamineni Srinivas and Kollu Raveendra attended the event.
The event witnessed lakhs of people and Chandra Babu promised the people that he will work for the prosperity of Andhra Pradesh. Speaking on this he said, “We have been suffering with many problems. However I will fight with the Centre for the state and the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh brought many problems for us. I have been fighting with the Central government for funds to develop the state and will fight like this till Andhra Pradesh reaches a stable place”.
N Chandra Babu Naidu thanked all the people who attended Nava Nirmaana Deeksha and made it successful.
(Video Source: TV9 Telugu)