In a late night development, Governor Mridula Sinha appointed Manohar Parrikar as the new Chief Minister of Goa and he has been asked to prove his majority on the floor in the coming 15 days. The latest update says that Manohar Parrikar is all set to take oath on Tuesday. The Central Defence Minister will return back home and will take the charge as Chief Minister as BJP suffered complete majority in the state. Nitin Gadkari held a special meeting with BJP senior leaders.
After the meeting, Manohar Parrikar has been asked to take the oath and he has not resigned from the services of Union Defence Minister. Among the 40 seats, Congress got 17 and BJP has 13. BJP is now likely dependent on the regional parties to gain strength. It has been revealed that the regional parties are ready to support BJP if Manohar Parrikar is given the seat of Chief Minister. Present Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar lost in both the constituencies he fought. Manohar Parrikar is in plans to get elected to the Goa Legislature before six months after turning CM.