Repolling in Five Polling Stations of Andhra Pradesh:- Except for a few violent acts, the polls in Andhra Pradesh went on a smooth mode. Some of the polling stations had complaints with the EVMs and the polling went on a slow pace after it started late. AP Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu complained it to the Chief Election Commissioner and an investigation was staged on this. AP Chief Electoral Officer Gopala Krishna Dwivedi sent a report to the Chief Election Commission (CEC) to conduct repolling across five stations in the state.
Two polling stations in Guntur district along with one in Prakasam district and two stations in Nellore will head for repolling. All the EVMs will remain in the strong rooms only said Dwivedi. He said that the feedback has been collected from the Collectors of all the districts and then the final decision was taken. The Electoral Officer even said that stringent action will be taken on all those who violate the rules and stay negligent for their duties. The unused EVMs across the country will be used for this repolling.
(Video Source: TV9 Telugu Live)