The announcement of the State Division by AICC gave different repercussions in the State. Some are protesting against the decision while some are scheming for taking political advantage of the situation. When some are fighting against the decision some lost their lives in agony. While some are trying to represent at Center to make UPA withdraw its decision, some are lobbying for their political position in either of the States. Some are trying to cash in on the situation in real estate in both the regions.
Among all the mixed feelings and attempts for their own gain, a person was busily engaged himself in dreaming of a new Capital for divided Andhra.
The Capital city is first laid out on a paper. No existing city is made its Capital but a vacant Government land is located with the collaboration of the Forest Department. The land selected has no history of floods hit area. It is almost a vast plain land so that the construction work will not pose difficulties or additional costs. The land has vegetation but it is not a thick forest. The land has adequate underground water resources taking the supposed population of the Capital.
All Roads will be laid in straight line. The roads will be so wide that they need not be disturbed in 200 years to come. The roads will not be named after any political leaders but numbered in x and y axis. All drainage and sewer connections will be made in such a way that need not be repaired in 200 years if maintained regularly. Drinking water pipes will be laid and water tanks will be constructed keeping the supposed population in to account. All electrical, communication cables should be laid underground. Special towers should be constructed for the TV and Cell phone operators meant to be leased.
Central and State Government offices should be constructed at one place for the convenience of operation with connecting network. All Government quarters for the employees and officers should be located in the same locality along with schools to minimize transportation costs.
Underground Metro should be planned in advance. Bus Depots, Railway stations should be in the vicinity of one other with Taxi and Auto parking. Vehicle parking should be made compulsory in all the Government and Private buildings keeping in view of the increasing number of vehicles. All commercial places including kiosks should be constructed without any rights to modify from outside or extend them. There should not be any necessity for the hawkers excepting an allowance to keep them in the prescribed areas in remote areas.
Every locality should be ensured to have sufficient parks with greenery, schools, temples, play grounds and commercial complexes and entertainment places like theaters and also police stations.
For the sake of security, CC Cameras should be installed in the centers and other public places and subways.
Entire land will remain as Government’s land without a chance to resale. As such Registrar offices only register lease hold rights given by the Government without any rights to the lessee to sell or sublease.
The dreamer says that the plan should be made with such thoroughness that nothing needs to be disturbed even if a technology development necessitates adding anything to the existing ones. He says even if the planning takes five years to finalize on paper, it is worth it instead of making planning and development a continuous work.
Please give your ideas on how you would like to see a capital.