Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor is all set to move out of his parents home, Krishna Raj located in Palli Hill. Well, the decision came when Ranbir's dad Rishi Kapoor expressed his displeasure over his lovelady Katrina visiting the home regularly which is eventually disturbing the privacy.
Ranbir made up his mind to respect his parents' privacy and is desperately searching for a big apartment. Sources added that Ranbir has approached many builders and real estate agents with his requirements and as the Rockstar was out of the country for shooting, he was unavailable to check the flats. Ranbir wants to buy a spacious apartment either in Juhu or Bandra regions so that he could reach out to his shooting locations very soon.
Ranbir is back in Mumbai recently and shortlisted few flats and will be checking them later this week.
(AW: Vamshi)