Union Finance and Defence Minister Arun Jaitley is the richest minister in Narendra Modi's cabinet whose assets stand at Rs 72.10 crores. The Assets and Liabilities declared by the Prime Minister and other 44 members of the Council of Ministers were made public in which Mr. Jaitley stood first while Urban Development minister Venkaiah Naidu stood last with assets valued at Rs 20.45 lakhs.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi assets fell by Rs 26 lakhs from 1.52 crores to Rs 1.26 crores post the May elections. However Mr. Modi spent only Rs.27,000 of his personal funds to his two parliamentary campaigns in Vadodara and Varanasi while the rest of Modi's poll expenditure came in the form of party funds.
Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Sanjay Gandhi assets are valued at Rs 37 crores and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj’s assets have not been updated after the elections. 17 Union ministers are crorepati's in Modi's cabinet but aren't tycoons as the Congress party has.
The details of the assets of Cabinet Ministers were uploaded to the Prime Minister’s website on Monday, and offered a comparison with the assets declared by ministers just a few months ago, before the general election.
(AW: Vamshi)