'Haider' actor Shahid Kapoor and Ayushmann Khurrana are likely to share screen space together in their forthcoming movie 'Udta Punjab', where both the stars are going to work together for first time in a Bollywood movie. According to sources, Vicky Donor actor Ayushmann Khurrana will replace Emraan Hashmi to be part of the movie as the second lead.
‘Udta Punjab’ is being directed by Ahishek Chaubey, who had directed action thriller Ishqiya and Dedh Ishqiya and the movie was slated to hit the theaters in 2015. Report says Ayushmann Khurrana is excited to work with Shahid Kapoor in his upcoming movie ‘Udta Punjab’ and he has already heard the story narration. Meanwhile, Ayushmann has been finalized the look test for the film and he is yet to sign the documents.
- Simha Raju