Mega star Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan are likely to attend the Naga Babu's son Varun Tej's debut movie, 'Mukunda' audio release on Wednesday December 3 in Hyderabad. Mukunda filmmakers Nallamallapu Srinivas (Bujji) and 'Tagore' Madhu have been planning on big way for audio launch event grandly at Shilpakala vedika in Hyderabad.
According to sources, most of the Mega family members are expecting to attend the Mukunda's audio launch, where the film's music was composed by Mickey J Meyer. Recently, the moviemakers have released 'Mukunda first song teaser ‘Chesededo’, which it is the introduction song shot on Varun Tej and it has grabbed quite good response from mega fans.
Mukunda story is a romantic entertainer in a village backdrop and major part of this film has been shot in Kerala, Rajahmundry, Switzerland and Hyderabad.
- Simha Raju