Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi was banned from imports and sales in India by the Delhi High Court. This is a huge setback for the Chinese phone makers as the phones are rocking the Indian smartphone market. The Delhi high court passed an interim order suspending Xiaomi making, assembling, importing or offering for sale its devices and also in the e-commerce platform Flipkart.
The court took this decision following the plea of Ericsson that Xiaomi has been violating its eight patents pertaining to AMR, EDGE and 3G technologies in the field of telecommunication and it is also not clear whether this will affect the sales of Xiaomi phones in India. The court has also appointed three commissioners to visit Xiaomi and Flipkart premises where the devices are stored in order to inspect and collect documents as well as seal the infringing mobiles. The commissioners were given four weeks time to submit a report to the court.
Xiaomi entered the Indian market in July this year and since then, they have been selling their device through e-commerce platform Flipkart. All the devices of Xiaomi were run away hits and the manufacturer is looking to bring more smartphones to the nation.