Bollywood's latest sensation, Alia Bhatt has expressed her desire to work with the Khans [Aamir, Salman and Shah Rukh] of Bollywood some day. “Since nowadays film-makers are making different kinds of movies, it’s possible for me to work with different actors. It (working with the Khans) might have sounded impossible 10-15 years back, but since new-age directors aren’t scared of experimenting with innovative stories and scripts, there’s more scope to work with the Khans now,” said Alia recently when she met the media.
The 21 year old actress had a hectic year and good hits to her credits. Currently Alia is working for 'Shaandar' opposite to Shahid Kapoor and then she will romance with Bollywood's heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor for Ayan Mukherji's next. In Karan Johar's 'Koffee with Karan,' Alia said she wants to work with Ranbir as he is the most charming actor in the industry.