TRS plenary meeting is currently the hot issue of Telangana state. The meeting was already started and was attended by the thousands of TRS party members around the state. According to the information specified by the party officials, the plenary is all about to discuss the future developments in the state and announcing the proposed plans and strategies related to the growth in all fields. But if you can observe well, you can find some spelling mistake in those statements. Confused.. ?, lets analyze it below :
Firstly, it was known that TDP and TRS oppose each other in whatever they do and now a days the range of opposition is much more going on a wider scale.
KTR to be next Chandrababu ? :
TDP MLA's are slowly shifting to TRS party, among many fluctuations Naidu is trying to conduct meetings and in any possible event or function including cinema functions which he attended recently for one of the Balayya's movie, Naidu is continuously stressing that the development of Hyderabad is only because of TDP government. Frankle speaking, this statement cannot be striked out even by the oppositions, may be because of this, KCR did not oppose Naidu but now this statement is disturbing KCR since few days and he is trying to concentrate on Hyderabad well and targeting to take out the mark of Naidu on Hyderabad.
Naidu earned huge reputation in the city for his IT services in the past, so KCR caught this logic and gave that post to his beloved son KTR. Unlike KCR and Kavitha, KTR does not possess any special craze in public. At this point of time, KTR holding cabinet minister of IT position which can fetch good craze as Chandrababu if the former can influence as much as the later by bringing fresh reforms in the IT field.
For this, a proper scheduling and many other amendments, fresh investments have to be made. What are the plans to be made for inviting such investments, and on the other side what can KCR do to mark his identity in Hyderabad as Chandrababu, once the answer for all these questions are found, the implementation takes immediately by the TRS government. For discussing all such issues, this Plenary is going to be the platform. So lets see how far, the father and sons influence the public and eliminate Chandrababu's identity from Hyderabad.
By Phani