(Image source from: Decoding South Asia - WordPress.com)
BJP Leads The List Of Richest Parties:- BJP took the country by storm and has been dominating in all the elections. Though some of the campaigns of Prime Minister Narendra Modi didnot go well with a section of people, the national party has been delcared as the richest party of the country among the seven national parties in India. The net worth assets have been declared as Rs 894 crores for the year 2015-16. While the assets of Congress have been declared as Rs 759 crores, BJP's liabilities have been Rs 25 crores and for Congress the laibilities have been quoted as Rs 329 crores.
The entire report has been based on the assets declared by the national parties for the period starting from 2004-05 to 2015-16. The assets include investments, loans, advances, deposits, moveable and immovable properties along with cash. The liabilities include amounts borrowed from banks along with the unsecured loans. A source from BJP revealed that the transactions have been purely transparent and the party fetched huge results.