Yoga is a practice for the physical, mental and spiritual peace. This practice was originated way back in ancient India. There are different forms of yoga with different effects.
Now in this present 21st century, many schools practice yoga as part of their daily routine. Children are taught the importance of yoga in their daily life.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has officially announced June 21 as International Yoga Day. By doing yoga everyone can get rid of diseases like diabetes or breathe related problems.
Now let’s learn different yoga asana:
1. Tadasana:
Tadasana is also called as mountain pose. It is one of the best yoga asanas. If you practice this asana early in the Morning, this will give you a good massage to your back, hands, legs, spine and your whole body. By doing this asana one can increase their height.
2. Uttanasana:
In this asana you have to bend forward and touch your back of the feet. This asana helps in dealing with stress and anxiety. By binding your hands it will help you in shoulder stretch and allows for tightening the shoulder. When you bend forward, blood flows into your head.
3. Trikonasana:
This asana is also called as the Triangle pose. It helps is muscle strength, reduce blood pressure,increases concentration power and functions your body in a manner. This asana is highly recommended for a woman who is pregnant. For losing fat in waistline and thighs, this asana is recommended.
4. Dhanurasana:
Also know as Bow pose. This asana is highly recommended for those who want to lose fat. By doing this asana one can lose belly fat. It also strengthens ankles, thighs, chest, organs and spinal cord. It also relieves you from stress and gives flexibility to your back. It improves the function of kidneys, pancreas, liver, small and large intestine. One can get rid of digestion and gastric problems by doing this asana.
5. Surya Namaskar:
A full round of Surya namaskar contains two sets of twelve asanas. By doing this asana one can improve their body flexibility, improve strength and reduce stress and anxiety. One can also get rid of the lower back pain by doing this asana. This is a basic asana to lose weight.
6. Kapalbhati:
Kapalbhati pranayama is the most recommended breathing yoga exercise which cures our stomach disorder. One should practice this pranayama five times a day. By doing this all the toxins from the body are removed and body metabolism is increased. This asana cures all types of respiratory problems and prevents from hair loss.
7. Sirasana:
With this asana one can get cure from the sleeping disorder. It also improves concentration power and mental balance. It circulated blood to the brain and improves memory power. If you have a regular headache, by doing this asana one can get rid of it.
8. Sarvangasana:
It strengthens and cures back pain, improves resistance power, removes dark circles and keeps face glowing. It improves blood circulation and helps in weight loss.
9. Paschimottanasana:
This asana is done by stretching the whole body from head to heels. It is recommended for the woman after delivery, to lose belly fat. It also strengthens back muscles and spine.
10. Halasana:
It is also known as Plough pose. This asana helps is strengthening back muscles and gives flexibility. One can also get rid of indigestion and constipation problem. People suffering from diabetes should do this regularly. It helps to cure symptoms of menopause.
11. Bhujangasana:
It is also called as cobra pose. It is recommended for those who want to lose weight and increase their metabolism. It improves Functions of organs, sleeping disorder, constipation and indigestion.
12. Vajrasana:
This asana is also called as the diamond pose. It is the simplest asana. One can do this asana after lunch or dinner. By sitting in this pose one should do breathing exercise. People suffering from joint pain should avoid. This asana acts as a painkiller for arthritis patients.
13. Balasana:
This asana helps to cure back pain, strengthens muscles of hips and thighs and ankles. A pregnant woman suffering from high blood pressure should avoid.
14. Ustrasana:
This asana is performed by bending back. By doing this asana body looks in a shape of the camel. It improves all respiratory problems, makes body flexible and strengthens muscles. It is highly recommended for those suffering from asthma. It also reduces fat in the stomach.
15. Vrikshasana:
It is also called as the tree pose. This is one of the easy asanas. It is practised early in the morning in open air. This pose increases your concentration because standing on one leg needs lots of focus. You need to lock your one feet and raise your hand over the head in a prayer pose.
By doing these asanas daily, one can see a change in their lifestyle and health. Yoga is a therapy for mind and body. It makes you body feel relax and flexible. That is why Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked to make yoga part of your life.
Also Read: Preparation Begin For International Yoga Day
By M. Divya Shri