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  • corporate greed, Demonstrations, protests against corporate greed hundreds arrested, Demonstrations

    Protests against corporate greed, hundreds arrested 17 October 2011

    As the protests opposing the corporate greed, income inequality and the excesses of the financial services industry spread like wildfire in the US, hundreds of people were arrested across the country in the last two days. The protests were reported...

    Keywords: Demonstrations, corporate greed, demonstrations in the US against supremacy of banks, corporate greed

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    anti-KCR slogans, TDP demonstrations against KCR, tdp blocks kcr tour in adilabad district, Demonstrations

    TDP blocks KCR tour in Adilabad district 10 October 2011

    TRS chief Mr K. Chandrasekhara rao today faced rough weather during his tour of the Adilabad district as the activists of the Telangana TDP Forum tried to block his visit by raising slogans and resorting to demonstrations against him. Blocking...

    Keywords: KCR, KCR tour in Adilabad district, KCR, TDP demonstrations against KCR

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    left parties, CPM, left to hold demonstrations, Demonstrations

    Left to hold demonstrations 24 August 2012

    After TRS and BJP, the left parties are gearing up for crying foul on electricity cuts in the state. The left parties, which met at the CPM central office in Hyderabad have carved out their future course of action on...

    Keywords: CPM, CPI, left parties, left parties

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