Heart transplant

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  • Facebook Advertisements, Facebook Advertisements, facebook says sorry to a father, Heart transplant

    Facebook says sorry to a father 11 September 2014

    Social networking giant Facebook has apologised to a father after rejecting his advertisement asking people to donate money for his two-month-old son’s heart transplant. Kevin Bond's son Hudson has been diagnosed with the heart disease called cardiomyopathy [pertainng to abnormal...

    Keywords: Kevin Bond Facebook, Facebook, Kevin Bond Facebook, Kevin Bond Facebook

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    Communities Jokes, Jokes, heart transplant, Heart transplant

    Heart transplant 18 August 2015

    A man has a heart attack and is brought to the hospital ER. The doctor tells him that he will not live unless he has a heart transplant right away. Another doctor runs into the room and says, “you’re in...

    Keywords: Communities Jokes, Jokes, Jokes, Jokes

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    cow heart valve to woman, Cow heart to woman, cow s heart valve to woman, Heart transplant

    Cow’s heart valve to woman 16 July 2015

    An 81 year old woman of Hyderabad, who was suffering from a heart disease, was operated using a heart valve made from a cow's heart.Not even a few hours passed that we discussed about the Frontier Lifeline Hospital’s operation for...

    Keywords: heart transplant, heart transplant, heart transplant, Cow heart to woman

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    Frontier Lifeline Hospital, Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani, hyderabadi heart failed to save pakistani, Heart transplant

    Hyderabadi heart failed to save Pakistani 16 July 2015

    The Hyderabadi heart, which was taken all the way from Hyderabad to Chennai failed to save the boy, as he was dead even after the heart transplantation. As we discussed yesterday, a Hyderabadi lost his life in an accident and...

    Keywords: Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani, Heart transplantation, Frontier Lifeline Hospital, Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani

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    Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani, Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani, a hyderabadi heart to pakistani, Heart transplant

    A Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani 15 July 2015

    A 10 year old Pakistani kid, who is living in Dubai was transplanted with a heart that came from Hyderabad.Reacting on the issue, K.M. Cherian, chairman and CEO of the Frontier Lifeline Hospital hospital, said that, “the kid had dilated...

    Keywords: Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani, Hyderabadi heart to Pakistani, heart transplant, heart transplant

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    Heart Transplantation At Yashoda Hospital, heart ailment, heart transplantation at yashoda hospital successful, Heart transplant

    Heart Transplantation At Yashoda Hospital Successful 25 December 2013

    A heart transplantation done on a 25 year old woman at Yashoda Hospital Hyderabad is not only successful in its surgical achievement but also as the treatment made the patient come to normal life fast. Venkata Ramya belongs to Pithapuram...

    Keywords: Dr.Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale, East Godavari District, Venkata Ramya, heart transplantation to Venkata Ramya

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