• JNU issue, India news, aap leader criticizes national flag on central universities, Jnu issue

    AAP leader criticizes national flag on Central Universities 19 February 2016

    After HRD minister Smriti Irani has ordered to hoist the national flag at all Central Universities to promote nationalism, Aam Admi Party leader Kapil Mishra did not take much time to criticize it. Expressing his opinion, AAP leader took to...

    Keywords: India news, national flag on central universities, national flag on central universities, India news

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    Rahul Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi JNU criticisms, jnu row rahul gandhi a traitor nation says, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Rahul Gandhi, a traitor, nation says! 18 February 2016

    Allahabad court accepted the case, that was filed, alleging Rahul Gandhi, a traitor, upon supporting JNU students and conducting a meeting in the campus.  Additional chief judicial magistrate Sushil Kumar, sought the court to accept the petition, according to IPC...

    Keywords: Rahul Gandhi JNU criticisms, India news, India news, JNU issue

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    JNU news, death threat posters Kanhaiya, jnu row death threat posters against kanhaiya again, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Death threat posters against Kanhaiya again 12 March 2016

    Reportedly, a fresh poster appeared in New Delhi, issuing the death threats to JNU Students Union Chief, Kanhaiya Kumar, along with Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya, who are facing the sedition charges. Earlier, there was a similar poster, which announced...

    Keywords: JNU issue, JNU issue, JNU issue, JNU

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    JNU issue, Kanhaiya JNUSU HCU, hcu against kanhaiya kumar s entry into university, Jnu issue

    HCU against Kanhaiya Kumar’s entry into university 23 March 2016

    Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union (JNUSU) Chief, Kanhaiya Kumar has reached Hyderabad just a while, and said that he would be meeting Rohith Vemula’s mother today. After Rohith, allegedly a dalit HCU student, has committed suicide in January, several politicians like...

    Keywords: JNU issue, HCU Kanhaiya Kumar, HCU Kanhaiya Kumar, HCU Kanhaiya Kumar

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    Umar Khalid surrender, India news, jnu row umar khalid bhattacharya surrendered, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Umar Khalid, Bhattacharya surrendered 24 February 2016

    JNU students Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya bearing sedition charges, finally surrendered before Delhi police, last night, hours after Delhi High Court orders. Yesterday, the two students sought the security, approaching the high court, before they surrender, but the court...

    Keywords: Umar Khalid surrender, Umar Khalid surrender, JNU, JNU issue

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    JNU news, Rahul Gandhi sedition charges JNU, jnu row rahul gandhi kejriwal booked under sedition charges, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Rahul Gandhi, Kejriwal booked under sedition charges 29 February 2016

    Among 9 people who have been booked on sedition charges regarding JNU issue,  Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, CPI(M) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury are also included. As per the complaint filed by lawyer Janardhan Goud,...

    Keywords: JNU issue, JNU issue, JNU row, Rahul Gandhi sedition charges JNU

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    India news, India news, smriti irani to present proof in rohith jnu cases, Jnu issue

    Smriti Irani to present 'proof' in Rohith, JNU cases! 02 March 2016

    After the oppositions busted on the HRD minister Smriti Irani for her alleged derogatory comments on goddess Durga and HCU student Rohith Vemula, the minister now, standing by her comments, got prepared to come forward with the right proofs.As demanded by...

    Keywords: India news, Irani rohit jnu, JNU issue, Smriti Irani

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    Kanhaiya Kumar afzal guru event, jnu issue, jnu registrar says kanhaiya objected to cancellation of permit for afzal event, Jnu issue

    JNU registrar says, Kanhaiya objected to cancellation of permit for Afzal event 07 March 2016

    On a controversial row of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) issue row, here comes another one to add to the list, after Students Union president Kanhaiya Kumar allegedly objected to cancellation of permission for the controversial event against hanging Afzal Guru,...

    Keywords: Kanhaiya Kumar afzal guru event, Kanhaiya Kumar afzal guru event, JNU, JNU

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    India news, Kanhaiya Kumar in tihar jail again, jnu row kanhaiya kumar back to jail, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Kanhaiya Kumar back to jail 27 February 2016

    Jawaharlal Nehru University Student Union (JNUSU) chief, Kanhaiya Kumar was sent back to Tihar jail and placed under judicial custody again, after confronting him for the first time with fellow students Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya, who were also booked...

    Keywords: JNU issue, JNU issue, India news, JNU issue

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    Kanhaiya, JNU news, jnu row lawyers attack again, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Lawyers attack again 18 February 2016

    A group of men in lawyer’s robes, who assaulted journalists on Monday, turned violent yesterday again, attacking media, other lawyers and JNU Students Union president Kanhaiya Kumar, when he was being produced at the Patiala House courts. After medical examination,...

    Keywords: Kanhaiya, India news, JNU issue, JNU issue

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    India news, India news, jnu row kanhaiya not involved in anti india event report, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Kanhaiya not involved in anti-India event- Report 17 February 2016

    Regarding ongoing JNU issue, the university Students Union chief Kanhaiya Kumar was not involved in any anti-India sloganeering on campus, says Delhi police intelligence wing report, contradicting the claims by the authorities. On the charges of sedition, the JNUSU president...

    Keywords: JNU issue, India news, India news, JNU issue

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    JNU issue, JNU issue, jnu row kanhaiya s bail plea refused protests resume, Jnu issue

    JNU row: Kanhaiya’s bail plea refused, protests resume 20 February 2016

    After Supreme Court refused the bail plea of Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union (JNUSU) chief Kanhaiya, the students resumed the protests. Various student organizations would be mobilized for a solidarity march at Delhi University (DU) today. After the students conducted...

    Keywords: India news, JNU issue, JNU issue, JNU

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    BJP MLA Ahuja JNU, BJP MLA Ahuja JNU, 3000 condoms in jnu daily bjp mla, Jnu issue

    3000 condoms in JNU daily- BJP MLA 23 February 2016

    While the JNU is on full heat with the ongoing debate on nationalism, BJP MLA from Alwar, Gyandev Ahuja took out another controversial issue relating to the university. Speaking out at a protest march at his constituency, the MLA said that...

    Keywords: JNU news, BJP MLA Ahuja JNU, BJP MLA Ahuja JNU, JNU news

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    JNU issue, anti-national google maps, type anti national google maps show jnu, Jnu issue

    Type ‘anti-national’, Google maps show ‘JNU’ 25 March 2016

    Search giant Google is showing Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), when the words ‘anti-national’ are typed in the search box.'Google Map' application has been showing the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) under the key word 'anti-national'.  For the past few weeks, there...

    Keywords: JNU, anti-national google maps, anti-national google maps, anti-national google maps

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    School Jokes, School Jokes, jnu issue proved that everything happens for a reason, Jnu issue

    JNU issue proved that, everything happens for a reason 05 March 2016

    News: Left parties ask Kanhaiya to contest in West Bengal polls       Kanhaiya’s long term as Students Union leader even, did not make him this popular. But a controversy did!  By Phani Ch

    Keywords: School Jokes, Funny Jokes, School Jokes, School Jokes

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    JNU hunger strike, India news, jnu students begin hunger strike, Jnu issue

    JNU students begin hunger strike 28 April 2016

    On last night, during a mashal juloos on Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), the students shouted loud slogans against the administration. The students were protesting against the punishments, the administration has given, in connection with February 9th event.On Monday, the administration...

    Keywords: India news, India news, JNU hunger strike, India news

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    JNU, JNU, umar khalid back to jnu denies media allegations, Jnu issue

    Umar Khalid back to JNU, denies media allegations 22 February 2016

    The five students who were accused of raising anti national slogans, came back to Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) last night.  Out of the two names that came up prominently in the JNU issue, Umar Khalid was mainly focused now, while...

    Keywords: JNU, JNU news, JNU, Umar Khalid JNU

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