Tdp rebel mlas

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  • Speaker missing, resignations, nagam creates hullaballoo at assembly, Tdp rebel mlas

    Nagam creates hullaballoo at assembly 08 August 2011

    TDP rebel MLAs Nagam Janardhan Reddy and Harishwara Reddy today resorted to a sit-in at the Assembly Gate 2 demanding the Speaker Nadendla Manohar to accept their resignations. Soon after the Speaker arrived in Hyderabad from his London trip, Nagam...

    Keywords: Harishwara Reddy, TDP rebel MLAs Nagam Janardhan Reddy, resignations, Speaker missing

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    Hariswara Reddy, missing complaint against Speaker, speaker furious over nagam issues notices, Tdp rebel mlas

    Speaker furious over Nagam, issues notices 16 August 2011

    Taking a serious note of the missing complaint lodged against him by the TDP rebel MLAs Mr Nagam Janardhan Reddy and Hariswara Reddy, Speaker Nadendla Manohar today issued privilege notices to both of them. Observing that their action in lodging...

    Keywords: privilege notices to Nagam Janardhan Reddy, TDP rebel MLAs, Hariswara Reddy, TDP rebel MLAs

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    TDP rebel MLAs, Mr Nagam Janardhan reddy, nagam stages sit in in deputy speaker s chamber, Tdp rebel mlas

    Nagam stages sit-in in Deputy Speaker’s chamber 01 October 2011

    Demanding that their resignations be accepted immediately by the Speaker, TDP rebel MLAs Mr Nagam Janardhan reddy, Hariswara reddy and Jogu Ramanna today resorted to a sit-in in the Chambers of the Deputy Speaker Mr Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka in the...

    Keywords: Nagam resignation, TDP rebel MLAs, TDP rebel MLAs, Mr Nagam Janardhan reddy

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