Mahendra Singh Dhoni who is having a blast this IPL 6 with his team at the top of the table beyond the reach of the rest of the teams has fallen into troubles. After the abysmal performance against Mumbai Indians, he also has some off-the-field problems. He has a complaint filed against him under Section 295 of the IPC, for hurting religious sentiments in Bangalore.
Jayakumar Hiremath, the complainant, said that a fortnightly business magazine on the April 14, 2013 cover page has depicted Dhoni as Vishnu with several hands each holding a product he endorsed. One of them being a shoe has hurt the religious sentiments of several Hindus. The Cover page of the magazine had the headline 'God of Big Deals'.
The complaint also accused the three editors of the magazine, the chief visualizer, the printer and the publisher seeking compensation for the distress they caused. The case has been posted for June 12 to record the statement. Well, now isn't that an overkill? Exaggerated representations can always be taken in positive light unless there is something that directly insults a person or a community.
(AW- Anil)