After the success of CMGR, power star Pawan Kalyan signed a film with director Trivikram. This is no news to power fans, who have been keeping track of Kalyan babu's activities. However, there's something new that could excite you to the core. Sources have said that the film unit was keen to name this movie as Hare Rama Hare Krishna. HRHK, title obviously sounds interesting.
The shooting of this new project of Pawan Kalyan would begin sometime in December and sources said that Trivikram wants to release this movie by the end of next summer. Most happening heroine, Samantha-who's considered as golden leg-is going to share screen space with Pawan Kalyan for the first time in the movie. Devi Sri Prasad (DSP) is all set to score music. Lets wish that the movie erases all previous records in Tollywood to create an unbreakable record.
(AW Phani)