Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's second wife Renu Desai for the first time expressed her views on Pawan Kalyan and their relation. Renu who has been very active these days with Facebook page, has posted how she feels about Pawan Kalyan.
"First time after my Maa Tv interview i am going to comment on him on a public platform. Mr. Pawan Kalyan is truly one of the most genuine and true human beings on this earth. He is the most generous, kind, humble and clean hearted human being. What happened in our personal lives only we both know and no one in this world has any right to comment on it. But he is one person I truly respect and admire for his sheer honesty and his struggle to do something for the society. I have always supported him and will continue to support him because the world needs more genuine human beings like him. There are people and then there is a person called Pawan Kalyan..."
These comments show Pawan and Renu respect each other and give importance to their personal space and feelings. Renu Desai has also warned users in Facebook page who are sending abusive messages to her.
(AW: Vamshi)