Yes, a super duper news to all Powerstar Pawan Kalyan fans. Gabbar Singh 2 project which went off the radar, is very much in line as the makers of the film, have released a press release which state, the shooting of the film will begin from December month. By then Pawan Kalyan will wrap up his current 'Gopala Gopala' which is progressing at brisk pace.
Anisha Ambrose who made her debut with 'Alias Janaki' will romance with Pawan. Post her first film, Anisha did not appear in any Telugu film and it would be a golden opportunity for her to make big in Tollywood. Also KS Ravindra aka Bobby will be directing the film and Pawan Kalyan will co-produce it.
Few days back, the tinsel town folks almost came to a conclusion that Gabbar Singh 2 was shelved but this press release from the makers have put an end to all the rumours surrounding the film.
(AW: Vamshi)