The modern day woman has to encounter many issues at her home, at her office, while travelling, and at other points. The need of the hour is how best the woman can balance all in the stipulated time and vicinities.
To have the perfection in professional life, one must be educated, enlightened with the dynamics in the society, mentally strong enough to correlate the hidden and cornered words. The women empowerment is absolutely possible when she dares to start the race with the men with needed cooperation.
The women empowerment does not mean waging war on the men, but it waging war on the stratified society to get the due share in all areas. To get the rightful share the women should not depend on the system of reservation, just needed thing is Excellency compatible with all genders and citizens.
Women should focus on the physical empowerment like following proper steps to fit, strong, healthy like walking, exercise, jogging, meditation, yoga. The women should also maintain the needed presence in family affairs too, so as to have all with you, and to be with all around you.
Women must be able to come forward in winning hearts at working place with dignity, dedication, perfection, and maturity, but not with the well established practice of erotic appearance, praises, requests, and physical submissions.