How to keep yourself positive at Home:- The coronavirus pandemic brought life to a stand still and most of them are restricted to their homes from the past one and a half year. The daily routines are changed and several people are left jobless and are struggling for their daily needs. Some of them are facing the stress in their work as the workload doubled. Most of them are waiting for the normalcy to return back and the with the deepened crisis, there are mixed feelings and emotions. There is lot of insecurity on professional terms. Women are working from home balancing their personal life which is quite stressful. Managing self care and the well being is the biggest task for everyone. Here are some tips for women to keep themselves positive at home:
Keep yourself active and stay fit. Expose yourself to sunlight. Keep a strong routine and follow the routine perfectly for the day. Keep your meals on time and take enough sleep. Practise yoga and meditation to stay active for the day. This also improves the productivity and lowers the stress.
Stop wasting the neurotransmitters of the brain and use them for something more substantial. Always be careful about your brain and do not leave it in strain. Anxiety, fear, anger and others can waste the neurotransmitters of the brain. Keep yourself from distracting and emotional draining.
Take frequent breaks from work to keep the strain away. Spend time with your family or friends during the breaks. Relax in the best available way and a breather during work is the best way to increase your productivity and keep the stress away. Keep some positivity around you and speak to such people during some time of the day. Speak to the people who drives and supports you to the core.