My statements may seem to be offensive to you but let’s think from the other side of the coin... nothing is permanent in life and love does not necessarily start and end with the same person in your life.. that break up of yours might seem to be so tough for you to come out from... now, is it necessary to survive similar break up even for the second time? How many times? No, not again... if you feel similar, here are tips to prevent yourself from a break up or let’s say 'A Heart Break';
If you have ever experienced any of the following then you, along with many others, may have fallen victim to the neediness bug:
Having all your own plans dictated by what your man feels like doing?
Feeling unable to enjoy time away from your man?
Feeling that you need constant emotional support?
Getting all your validation from your man’s compliments or attention?
To prevent a breakup it is important that a healthy, balanced relationship is maintained, and If you fall prey to the neediness bug then you will never be fulfilled by your relationship, as the bug will never be satisfied. No matter how many compliments you receive, you will only ever take from the relationship. From a man or a woman’s perspective this is real issue that often leads to breaking up.
To prevent a breakup caused by neediness:
Don't let relationships overtake your life
Don't neglect your friends, hobbies or health
Remember that a relationship can be an important component in your life, but never the only component.
This can manifest itself in many negative ways within a relationship, including:
Not caring about your appearance
No more fun dates
Taking each other for granted
No more effort in your sex life
No more "Just him and you time"
Lack of affection – kissing / cuddling
Even just having a proper conversation can be jettisoned through laziness, where time spent with each other is dominated by the everyday motions such as kids, work and logistics. This replaces the themes of dreams, books, politics, the world, aspirations etc, that were part of the reason behind your initial attraction to one another.
To prevent a break up it is important that you don't both become victims of inertia, just going through them options because you both feel secure that your partner isn't going anywhere. This gradually takes its toll, as the variety and spice within a relationship can be lost. Ultimately this will lead to you or your partner associating... gud luck!