Emotional Pain More In Men After Breakups:- A study that has been published online revealed that men undergo more emotional pain than women after having breakups or going worse in a relationship. The study is published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. The study was conducted by a team of psychologists led by the researchers of Lancaster University about relationship problems. The study was started to create a map of the common relationship problems that are experienced by the people for counseling and clinical settings.
The study told "Most of what we know about relationship problems comes from studies of people in couples therapy, which includes a rather specific subset of people -- people who have the time, money, and motive to work on their relationship problems," said Charlotte Entwistle, lead author of the study. "We wanted to understand not only what relationship problems are most commonly experienced by the general public, but who experiences which problems more".
The team conducted a study on 1,84,000 people and analysed their psychological and demographic characteristics. All of them posted their relationship problems in the online forum. The first most frequent problem mentioned is the communication problem. Trust issues have been the other problems. Dr Ryan Bond, the lead researcher said that men underwent more mental trauma after breakup than women. Men also discussed heartbreak significantly more than women.