1st TIP : Winter is here and it brings us holidays, family dinners, presents, laughs and a lot of happy moments, snow and with snow come … flues … As flue attacks us we start taking numerous pills and some think of herbal treatment, but anyway it takes a lot of time and sniffling, sneezing, and sore throat make our life really AWFUL.
Scientists found the way out - Drink Hot Beverages !!!
It seems to be a joke, yeah? Or simply too good to be true.
But the following conclusion is right. Thirty volunteers were given warm apple and blackcurrant drinks and after 15 minutes they noticed relief from main flu symptoms.
Next time when cold attacks you – kill it with the first sip of tasty blackcurrant tea )))
2nd TIP : Here is a quick trick to get rid of your head cold, fever, cough during the winter season. I've given this technique to many of my patients successfully.
I'm not really sure why it works but it does. This is one of those old naturopathic remedies that have been floating around for centuries and it makes many believers of natural medicine.
This is great for a sore throat or any inflammation or infection of the throat, neck pain, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections.
What you will need: * 1 pair white cotton socks * 1 pair thick wool socks * Towel * Warm bath (or) warm foot bath.
1. Take a pair of cotton socks and soak them completely with ice cold water. Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly so they do not drip.
2. Warm your feet first. This is very important as the treatment will not be as effective and could be harmful if your feet are not warmed first. Warming can be accomplished by soaking your feet in warm water for at least 5-10 minutes or taking a warm bath for 5-10 minutes.
3. Dry off feet and body with a dry towel.
4. Place ice cold wet socks on feet. Cover with thick wool socks. Go directly to bed. Avoid getting chilled.
5. Keep the socks on overnight. You will find that the wet cotton socks will be dry in the morning and usually the cold or sore throat will be gone. This treatment acts to reflexively increase the circulation and decrease congestion in the upper respiratory passages, head, and throat.
It has a sedating action and many patients report that they sleep much better during the treatment. This treatment is also effective for pain relief and increases the healing response during acute infections.