Warm beds are your worst enemy in the morning when you actually have to get up early but your devil beds are pulling you from getting up. Here are few tips on how you can avoid your devils.
1) Keep the alarm out of your reach. Choose a tone on your clock, phone or which ever device to be very loud so that you cannot just ignore it. You have to walk a distance to switch off the alarm and this will keep you from sleeping.
2) Play a tough game on your mobile once you wake up immediately for five minutes to prevent going back to sleep.
3) If you wake up just before the alarm rings, don't go back to bed and wait for the alarm to go off. Waking up on your own will make your day more refreshing and it will be easier to adjust to than the alarm timing.
4) Loose the Snooze. Don't use the snooze button. You will automatically get adjusted to waking up out of being worried that you might be late.
5) Before sleeping at night, say to yourself, out loud, that you shall sleep soundly and wake up early. Repeat it several times and your mind will get adjusted to the thought helping you to wake up early.
(AW- Anil)